Sciana Mara
Briodarnaí (briodarnach)
Ribí róin
Catching a mouse under a Barnacle
Glasán v Deargán
Ag leasú scadán
Madra Gheallaí/ Fionnadh Ghabhair
Scadáin & grá
Leac an tSleabhac
Tarbh Dubh
Cearc & Éillín
Roinn muintir Árainn Mhóir a gcuid focail farraige linn i mí Feabhra 2020.
In Feb 2020 a group of fishermen from the island of Árainn Mhór (Arranmore) off the coast of Donegal gathered in the Cultúrlann, (their community centre) to share local words. They were Hugh "Nancy" Rodgers, Sile Phost agus Pete Tom O Donnell, Laurence "Lenty" Gallagher, Sharon O Donnell, Neily Kavanagh. The last 6 words here were given to me by John "Lenty" Gallagher and his wife, Ellen "Nappy".
Sea Words & Tearmaí Cladaigh - Árainn Mhór, (Arranmore Island), Co Donegal