A hiding hole for lobster. Not necessarily where they breed, but where they hang out.
Sciana Mara
Razor fish, caught by sprinkling salt on the strand
Submerged reef. Elevation in the seabed that will strike a boat if the tide is wrong.
Flotsam and jetsam. Acquisitions, spoil, salvage.
Briodarnaí (briodarnach)
Coastal shellfish. (Listen to audio to try to decipher which it is.) The word might come from Briodarnach - which refers to a fish biting.
Ribí róin
Local prawns. (For tips on how to cook them listen to audio.)
Catching a mouse under a Barnacle
(Listen to audio to hear how a barnacle can trap a mouse.
Glasán v Deargán
Black pollack v. white pollack. (Listen to audio to hear the difference.)
Duirlingí – rounded shore pebbles, cobbles, used to decorate around grave, and as weights in newly made lobster pots as their curved edge won’t damage to laths.
Ag leasú scadán
Preserving herring - how it was done.
Sea urchin. Also hedgehog.
Madra Gheallaí/ Fionnadh Ghabhair
Goats hair in the sky. Signs of storms or bad weather
Scadáin & grá
Using herring to predict your lover.
Leac an tSleabhac
The ledge of sloke - collecting seaweed.
Tarbh Dubh
The black bull - a coastal place name
Cearc & Éillín
Hen and her brood - name of coastal rocks.
Roinn muintir Árainn Mhóir a gcuid focail farraige linn i mí Feabhra 2020.
In Feb 2020 a group of fishermen from the island of Árainn Mhór (Arranmore) off the coast of Donegal gathered in the Cultúrlann, (their community centre) to share local words. They were Hugh "Nancy" Rodgers, Sile Phost agus Pete Tom O Donnell, Laurence "Lenty" Gallagher, Sharon O Donnell, Neily Kavanagh. The last 6 words here were given to me by John "Lenty" Gallagher and his wife, Ellen "Nappy".
Sea Words & Tearmaí Cladaigh - Árainn Mhór, (Arranmore Island), Co Donegal